干煸孜然蘑菇 Dry fried Mushroom烹饪方法,教你干煸孜然蘑菇 Dry fried Mushroom做法步骤图

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干煸孜然蘑菇 Dry fried Mushroom的做法图解 做法步骤


This recipe is one of Yanyan’s ‘Basic’ recipes that is not only really easy to prepare but is so healthy and delicious. The cumin spice in this dish gives it a real BBQ taste, a taste really popular all over China. Mushrooms are the main ingredient in this dish giving it a really healthy look and taste your family will benefit from. This recipe is certainly a winner on many levels, so make this one for your family and enjoy.


蘑菇 500g
孜然粉 1茶勺tsp
小茴香 1/2茶勺tsp
辣椒粉 适量
黑胡椒 适量
肉蔻粉 1/4茶勺tsp
蒜末 2瓣
植物油 适量

干煸孜然蘑菇 Dry fried Mushroom的做法  

  1. 准备食材

    干煸孜然蘑菇 Dry fried Mushroom的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 将蘑菇洗净并攥干水分备用。

  3. 中大火,炒锅加入比平时炒菜稍多一点的油,待油温热时加入蒜末炒出香味儿后加入蘑菇煸炒到蘑菇变软。

  4. 当蘑菇变软时加入孜然粉、小茴香、辣椒粉、黑胡椒、肉蔻粉和盐炒制入味儿(大约2-3分钟)关火装盘即可。

