蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey烹饪方法,教你蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey做法步骤图

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蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法图解 做法步骤


Here is another one of yanayn’s ‘basic’ recipes that’s very simple to prepare and is a sweet and delicious dish to eat. Like many vegetables, yams are a very healthy food that can be transformed into a really delicious food, and this recipe, steamed and served with honey, is a real treat and one you will definitely want to try for yourself. So take this to your kitchen, cook and enjoy.


山药 2根
话梅 5-6颗
冰糖 50g
蜂蜜 1茶勺tsp
清水 100ml

蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法  

  1. 准备食材

    蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 将山药去皮,切段。

    蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 蒸锅中加入适量水用大火烧开,锅开后放入山药,用大火蒸8-10分钟,直到筷子可以轻易插入山药即可。

    蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 小汤锅中加入话梅、冰糖、清水和蜂蜜,中火加热后转小火,直到冰糖全部融化糖汁变的浓稠。

    蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 蒸好山药摆盘,将蜂蜜糖汁浇在山药上,摆上话梅即可。

    蜂蜜冰糖山药 Chinese Yam with Honey的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张

